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Monthly Archives: October 2024

Food that is not salty but high in sodium

In fact, almost every type of food we know contains hidden sodium. But how can we control it so that it does not harm the kidneys too much or become a risk factor for kidney disease? Here are 7 foods that are not salty but

Understanding “Insomnia”

Let’s understand “insomnia“. What symptoms should you consult a doctor about? What methods are there to treat insomnia? “Can’t sleep”, my heart is restless. Many people who hear this song may want to get up and dance and move their bodies. But for those who really suffer

Are Sleep Cramps Dangerous?

Many people may have woken up in the middle of the night with leg cramps, which prevents them from getting enough sleep. In general, it is not dangerous, but if it happens frequently, it could be a sign of health problems! Cramps are sudden muscle

Eating spicy food causes stomach pain

The spicier the food, the more chili you add, the more you like it! But every time I eat it, my stomach hurts. Revealing the diseases that may be caused by eating too much spicy food. Hurry up and fix it before you can’t eat